Saturday, July 24, 2010

american idol results may 16

Well, I only exercising the term as a joke to describe:CommiesSocialistsPeople who don't be sweet on American FootballPeople who don't be sweet on the movie Rambo 4Those who don't like TVFascistsAmerican Flag burnersACLUAnyone who disagrees with South ParkTerroristsEuropeans RussiansThe month of AugustThose who don't like Stephen KingThose who don't be sweet on Quentin Tarantino moviesetc.
Haha. You forgot those who don't be sweet on baseball also apple pie. :D You and forgot Canadians. :P
ugh I despise Rambo 4. They should have left it at three, passing over nooooo, they had to keep making profits. The movie was in substance a dog amass connected with you-know-what, all in all was predictable and Stallone didn't experience vile acting on the occasion that it perch in his lap also called him mommy. I shush think third was the sans pareil customary after what precedent they related it to an actual real province event. How is disliking a crappy movie un-american? :)
Ya see? That makes you Un-American (and the tertiary
precise was the worst).Rambo 4 was a pure awesome. The unrated sketch in fact enjoy a kid in the background getting harpooned and flinged within the air. Pure Win.
It makes YOU Un-American equally well, considering the movie is based customary Burma. :p As an American, you should enjoy Rambo kicking Commie Russian butt in the third one, also on the occasion that you don't before long you are un-American considering they were our arch rivals :). Besides, they already did precise around the same area in Rambo 2, Rambo 3 was nowhere gone there.
I solute you. Except because south park. But I have forever in fact spy it.
Let's see...I hate American football. "Rambo" is terrible. I can't counter television. I support flag-burning as an act connected with protest. I'm European. Two connected with my best advocate are fraternal twin who immigrated coming out of Russia. And I haaaate summer.:)
you are the second almost un American person I know postern Joseph Stalin. American football is great, Rambo is a good series, TV is a vile source of entertainment, People who cauterize the US flag should be stood up customary front connected with a firing squad. I'm not sure what you limited by European. Russians can't be credible because they are drunk all the time and they are commies and summertide is a all of relaxation and nice weather.
CommiesMeSocialistsMePeople who don't like American FootballMePeople who don't be sweet on the movie Rambo 4Those who don't like TVFascistsAmerican Flag burnersACLUAnyone who disagrees among South ParkMeTerroristsEuropeansRussiansThe month of AugustThose who don't be sweet on Stephen KingThose who don't like Quentin Tarantino moviesMe
Someone not a taxpayer connected with one of the Countries located over the American continents...
That's boring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreed.The minimum length because an argument is 50 characters. The consider of the indicated restriction is on cut slumping on the amount connected with mute jokes, so we can shield the individuality of bandy and essay equally high as possible.
"un-American" nowadays simply means any thought, panegyric or action that is homogeneous on your self-defined idea of Americanismit is a floating, arbitrary definition
technically, "Americanism" is defined via the US Constitution also its derived lawsso, "un-Americanism" is whatever can be proven on be un-Constitutional
To be un-American is to go along among the voice connected with the masses and not make known what you hanker on say, not at all matter after what precedent far removed it is. It is to NOT flak when needs be. It is to constantly complain almost it also never go for it anything to make your life here all unified than it is. It is to not make a difference when you experience such you can.
CommiesliberalsterroristsUS flag burnershippiessocialistspeople who hate baseball also apple piepeople who grievance American footballpeople who want on shut down Gitmopeople who pauperism on "end" the war in the medial eastimmigrantsillegal immigrantspeople who cerebrate world composed temperament become a reality
people who think world peace will become a realityYou mean idiots, right?
Hey, by the all the sun dies out, perhaps there will be world peace. Just not galactic peace...
By such all world composed won't matter - only galactic peace.
Well...., on Facebook, when someone pisses you off, you un-friend them. In the U.S., albeit official pisses us off, we un-Americanize them ;)
Means people such don't believe in equal rights, freedom connected with speech, Ronald Reagan, and don't find Nascar exhilarating.

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