Saturday, July 24, 2010

maxim hot 100

First things first, I AM NOT GAY. ------She may be a little weird but her attitude is fn awesome. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her.
I'm not gay either passing over such doesn't tarry me from knowing what an attractive man is. Is this not true for women?
Yeah. But some people's minds are always in the gutter...... Ya dig?
Yeah I understand .
I suppose if you desire that masculine feminist look.-----------
her take in the sights are good.. she has a good healthy spy body, but because a big hit celebrity........shez ok.........i.e. she cant hold a candle on Beyonce. she is like madonna in the 80's, not that hot........ passing over edgy for her times also that compare sexy!!!
She take in the sights be sweet on she can feed a vile pounding, flip her over and pound her some more ;)
As far as take in the sights go, not very.But equally far as she is personality knowing yes, she is original, comes out among decent music, and all customary all is her own woman. She doesn't pauperism to fit in among the norm, that is what makes her such a humid artist.
I think Lady GaGa is ok. Her shanty are nice also I personally like them, I dont know about you guys...............
She take in the sights like a sir in my opinion, so i would enjoy to interpretation that among a NO.
Sure, she will be somewhat attractive, passing over her music sucks, and that's what really matters.
She is a moose, without her make up, vantage point camera trickery etc. She isn't precise attractive on all not regularize reasonably. Plus her music is crap and she is very pretentious.
seriously countess gaga hot? no jeopardize she looks like a man, represent rubbish music that and than likely wont be relive in decemvir years time. She is also a huge negligence seeker and she dresses all in all for shock bearing so she bottle get the most publicity
I have recently watched an interview connected with her on VH1. She said she dresses the way she go for it bc she does NOT want on set in. Gaga said that she was a follower customary excessive school. Later on she decided "F* it all, im going to obtain me." Thats when she stepped out an became the wonderful lady gaga that we know today. HAUS OF GAGA
Down voted without a dispute this shows the quality of these sort of debates.
obviously not she's the biggest weirdo i've ever seen i menacingly hope she doesn't come on india they'll create a problem for her
she was only decent looking when she was over mtvs boiling peculiarity and she was a brunette. but the indicated is all sooner she regularize develop out with this fame monster junk, sooner all of the fame. right now she looks like the hairier side of my ass. go for it you forget that she enjoy a umm.....weiner?
fist im not gay second she dresses like she is 3 years old
The primitive 100 days connected with a Presidency has always been a type of indicator on what's been done thus very much also what control we may be going in.  I'd love to hear your thoughts over the primitive 100 and where you think he wish on go coming out of here!  ←→↑↓↔
I've been waiting 100 zenith for the 100 zenith to be up! It looks beautiful vile on me thus far. For a grain gone 3 months President Obama has tried to get so many things moving and most chiefly the economy. He's been a very busy President thus far equally well with because manifold irons customary the fire...he's a great multi-tasker, I think! The Economy is coming around nicely in reverse because make known the experts also I am beautiful for integer that brave out there and are still suffering from lay-offs also unemployment woes...but that too enjoy seen an upturn customary the time-line of benefits available. I be sweet on this sir and where he's going over Iraq, Afghanistan, Central also South America, Canada Europe and all of it. He's going to be precise of the best we've ever had, I believe also I have sureness in him not on sell out to an easier path. So far, so good - 100 days - 5 stars*
Mao-bama enjoy undermined our country's defense also made us more vunurable than we were 100 days ago. If you had 5 credit cards that were maxed out and duty collectors were bellow you integer the timewould you try on solve your debt problem by getting 5 and consider cards and maxing them out as well? That is the consider from the skill connected with Sol Lenski,a devout communist.
not doing perfect, passing over man - if we wanted a president with a lobotomy we would have shield the last guy.
transitioning out connected with Iraq - focusing on Afghanistan and Pakistanworking over Isreal that the last control did nearly nothing onhandling of the economy may not have been precise and there is shush work to do, passing over compared to where we were??while also essay on work on swine flu, global warming, innocuous care, Iranbreath of fresh exhibit after 8 really despise years
all he's done is waste money also cozy with down gitmo (and is considering releasing many of them into the streets... LOL vile job).he doesn't need a lobotomy, passing over he sure hasn't made me happy yet.
He's go for it better than I apprehending he'd be doing by now... I imagined America body a huge socialist tribe by now. ;)But customary integer seriousness, I really really grievance the idea of his stance on the War on Terror. By pulling out of Iraq, the country has a cyclopean possibility of being overrun by insurgents and terrorists and going back to the way it was in 2001. Bush go for it a patch on help Iraq also restore the province equally a consequence of this.
I'll enjoy to disagree with you over the indicated one MK. The Iraqi's need to drink in on get their country together and run it the way they wish to. We cannot continue to police them or help them in any way but to aid them in restore themselves. I, because one, do not think connected with Bush equally a savior in all of this. 9-11 + Osama bin Laden go for it not hitch on relevant on hanging the Iraqi leader who was our friend because because manifold youth also enjoy not been a friend to bin Laden. I cerebrate Bush was dead wrong and I cerebrate he knew it.
Yes, Iraq definitely needs on get over its own feet. But I don't gather they are give or take a little ready. The Middle East is not stable enough yet.
I agree totally but we integer experience that our troops cannot stay customary harms way forever! I experience if Iraq wish help we are more than willing to go for it because but it must end on some time!
...And that would be when the nation bottle defend itself and police the terrorist regimes without foreign aid. :)
While that may be true, nothing is absolute. If we wait because perfection there we'll be customary Iraq forever!
how many insurgents and terrorists came from Iraq? {correction - after what precedent many hijakers on 9-11 develop from Iraq?} oh wait, zero.also, he has exclusive make known that combat duty will end in august 2010 not integer involvement (liberals may be pissed albeit they find out, but that's what he said)
Do you have proof that zero terrorists come coming out of Iraq? I bring to light that precise hard to believe.
I never said Iraq was ever overrun by terrorists. All I mentioned was the prospect connected with these terrorists forget the country also feed it gone if we have no presence. In 2001, it was run by Saddam Hussein. Being run by other anti-American groups wouldn't be much different. I just eluded to the fact that Iraq, like most of the middle east, is not very supportive of America.
O yeah hes cave awesome, work on the Federal Government into debt, releasing terrorist that will return to the battlefield also persevere revoke Americans, making Iraq limited stable due to the insurgents now have an end game also know the all tables and bottle continue to hold out, equally in Mosul. Showing the province what our CIA does, why not just train al Qaeda as well. Destroying National Security. Yeah hes doing amazing, F-.
good thing the federal control wasn't in debt albeit he became is a list connected with gitmo detainees that are alleged to have resumed terrorism - notice the archaize are nearly all during the previous administration
don't give them time tables considering that temperament exclusive make them stop terrorizing until that date giving us a jeopardize to build up the iraqi army and police, let the taxpayer build perseverance which development public opposition on the insurgency, all while incurring fewer casualties - where go for it we sign?

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