Sunday, July 25, 2010


The "secret" ingredient to certain brands of malt liqour which makes it so comfy to inspire so messed up over it
(After drinking two 40oz of Olde English): Man these ghetto opiates got me messed up
1. (narrow-sense) An opiate, comparable as heroin, morphine, codeine, etc.
1. Opiates are classic narcotics.
Cluck is one connected with the manifold euphemisms customary use, to describe going hyperborean simple ,a sudden stoppage of the addictive drug heroin also extra opiates and opioids (e.g morhine, methadone, codiene, Fentanyl, opium also many more, marketed pain killers)

Cluck is precise of the manifold euphemisms in use, on describe cave hyperborean turkey ,a sudden stoppage connected with the addictive drug heroin also other opiates also opioids (e.g morhine, methadone, codiene, Fentanyl, opium and many more, marketed pain killers)

to exercising opiates (heroin, hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, morphine, codeine, fentanyl, or the like)
Dude, I just got 5 OC 80's! I'm bout to get down with the get down.
A prescription med, hallmark name suboxone, drug renown buprenorphine. Orange in color and flavor unsatisfied to a chemical hitch on to make it impossible to inject. Can only be feed sublingually or nasally. Much like methadone, it is used on replace a spiritual addiction to opiates such equally heroin, morphine, vicodin and oxycontin. It can also be used on take the edge not up to par opiate withdrawal. It may send an opiate user into a life threatening state of precipitated withdrawal if used although opiates are shush in the system.
After you've haven't done any shit because about 36 hours, or whenever you dart getting the sniffles, go for it a small line of orange. It'll feel be sweet on you just snorted Tang, but it'll take the bulge not up to par right away. Don't go for it orange for more than 3 zenith though, considering once you get over that heart it takes even longer to kick.
Exo ( exogenous ) + endorphins ( endogenous moprphins ):
'Zombie food', is food high in exorphins that are responisble for feed addiction also compulsive eating.

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