Saturday, July 3, 2010

Who would win in this LONG BALL contest: Mickey Mantle{circa late 50's} vs Willie Stargell {circa late 60's} ?

Ballparks are irrelevant. You're asking, who can hit the greater long ball. The answer is Mickey Mantle hands down. Comparing ballparks really doesn't matter. A long ball, is what it is....period.

However, since ballparks are being considered to some extent, remember that the old Yankee Stadium, prior to the 1976 revamping, stood 457 in the left center gap and 461 in the right center gap. I'm guessing Mantle probably lost 100 or more career home runs because of that.

Babe Ruth, last I heard hit the man in the moon! lol At any rate I really enjoy these topics because we never manage to clear things up but it's still great fun.

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